A Literary Magazine
Submission Guidelines
Submissions are currently CLOSED, but here are our guidelines as you prepare to submit for future issues.
I, the Goose, request your most vibrant honks! I don't quite know what I want. However, I love funny, quirky, serious, gut-wrenching, and anything that will make me read it again! If I remember it in the morning, I want to keep it in my nest!
I welcome writing from EVERYONE . All submissions are free and should be sent to dogeeseseegodmag@gmail.com​. Every submitted piece should be previously unpublished and in the correct formatting as outlined below.
Your subject line should follow this format: "Genre" by "author (word count)"
For example: Fiction by Lucy Goosey (6969 words)
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please inform us if/when your work is accepted elsewhere. We would love to celebrate with you!
Response Time
The Goose's staff consists of other writers who obsessively refresh their inboxes with impatience. We understand the pain of waiting for a response. However, we also understand that editors need time.
We will email you once to acknowledge your submission (hopefully within one week). Please query if you have not received an email acknowledging your submission after one week.
Our goal is to respond with an acceptance/rejection within two weeks after the submission due date for each issue. Please do not query until two weeks after submissions close.
Please wait until you hear from our response to submit to us again.
We WILL NOT accept hateful work. As the Goose, I hate misogyny, bigotry, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, anatidaephobia (fear of geese), and any other "phobias" that marginalize those in the writing community.
We will not accept pornographic or graphically violent material. Submitting this will result in automatic rejection with no guarantee of a response.