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News of Giant Waves of Space and Time

Johanna Haas

It’s official—space and time are one, 

and they move in gigantic waves all around us.


I could have told you that as a child,

when a summer day out running in a field 

and a waiting room in the doctor’s office both lasted forever.

When the dinner bell clanged too early (much too early)

and recess at school seemed to last five minutes.


As I age, time becomes less anchored and set.

Some mornings, I sit at my computer and close my eyes,

in a blink,

and when I open them, the morning is gone.

In the evenings, when I want to go to bed,

but I have to stay awake until at least eight.

The television show drags and drags.


Even writing this poem is taking longer,

The further I go.

About the Author

Johanna Haas lives in the hot middle of the United States, in a cottage with three lions. From there she writes fiction, non-fiction and poetry with a focus on magical realism. She's disabled and lives on the autism spectrum. Her work has appeared in Bewildering Stories, The Chamber Magazine, Young Raven’s Literary Review, and A Story in 100 Words. When not writing, you can find her playing with plants and animals or tying a long string into many knots. You can find her at and more of her writing at

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